Police won't fine Elon Musk for using a smartphone while driving a Tesla with Full Self-Driving activated

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 29.08.2023, 13:08
Police won't fine Elon Musk for using a smartphone while driving a Tesla with Full Self-Driving activated

Elon Musk violated California law by holding a phone while demonstrating the new version of the Full Self-Driving system for the Tesla car, but the police of Palo Alto (California, USA) do not intend to fine the billionaire.

Here's What We Know

California's "handsfree" law prohibits the use of a smartphone while driving a vehicle. Nevertheless, Musk will avoid a fine because the police did not witness the violation.

"Had an officer observed the driver with the phone in their hand, they could have issued the driver an infraction ticket for violating California’s handsfree law," Palo Alto Police Captain James Reifschneider said.

Because none of the officers personally witnessed it at the time of the incident, there will be no fine, he said.

There is no doubt that Musk was personally in control of the vehicle. In the 20th minute, he had to stop the FSD from running a red light. Closer to the 30th minute, Musk showed that he was in the driver's seat by switching on the front camera.

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Source: The Verge