Japan's prime minister predicted international artificial intelligence rules to appear by Christmas

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 10.10.2023, 18:54
Japan's prime minister predicted international artificial intelligence rules to appear by Christmas
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G7 leaders should develop international rules on artificial intelligence by the end of the year, Japanese Prime Minister Fumia Kishida has said.

Here's What We Know

G7 countries joined the Hiroshima AI Process initiative to create guidelines for the responsible use of technology, including generative AI. Participants agreed to discuss AI governance, intellectual property protection, combating misinformation and responsible online behaviour.

According to Kishida, international principles and a code of conduct for AI should be ready for the G7 summit this autumn. They will enable the benefits of safe AI to be realised and economic growth to be achieved.

The results of multi-stakeholder discussions involving government, science, civil society and business will be used to prepare the Hiroshima Process framework.

The Prime Minister compared the emergence of generative AI to the invention of the internet. He called on stakeholders to promote the dissemination of reliable information through artificial intelligence.

Kishida also emphasised the importance of developing technologies to verify the authenticity of AI-generated content.

The Japanese head of government warned that along with its benefits, the internet has spawned the spread of malicious information, cyberattacks and cybercrime. These threats undermine the security and freedom of operation of society.

Source: The Register