Foxconn and Nvidia announced the creation of "artificial intelligence factories"

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 18.10.2023, 14:49
Foxconn and Nvidia announced the creation of "artificial intelligence factories"
Ann Wang/Reuters

Foxconn and Nvidia have announced plans to join forces to build powerful data centres that will be used to manufacture new products using artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

"AI factories" will include digitalisation of manufacturing, building platforms for electric vehicles and robotics, as well as services based on language models.

According to Nvidia, Foxconn has the expertise and scale to realise the project. Its customers will be able to use AI and modelling systems to train robots and unmanned vehicles.

Foxconn is the world's largest contract manufacturer of electronics, particularly Apple gadgets. However, the company plans to expand into other industries, particularly electric vehicles.

Nvidia is known for its GPUs, chips originally used in video games and now used in AI.

Source: Reuters