Meta will introduce a requirement to flag the use of dipfakes in political and social advertising

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 10.11.2023, 14:35
Meta will introduce a requirement to flag the use of dipfakes in political and social advertising
Elyse Samuels/The Washington Post/Getty Images

Meta will require political advertisers to flag when they use artificial intelligence or digital manipulation in ads on Facebook and Instagram.

Here's What We Know

From January 2023, any political and social ads will need to be labelled if there are AI-assisted digital alterations to images or videos. This includes speech synthesis, dipfakes and more.

Users will see a notification that there is digital manipulation in an advert. Small edits like cropping do not require special labelling.

For non-compliance, the company reserves the right to reject the advert. Repeated failure to disclose information may result in penalties against the advertiser, the company said.

The new rules are being introduced against the backdrop of major elections in the US, UK, EU and other regions. They are designed to increase the transparency of political advertising and fight misinformation in the run-up to important events.

Source: Meta