Pro-China YouTube network used artificial intelligence to vilify US - report

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 16.12.2023, 00:22
Pro-China YouTube network used artificial intelligence to vilify US - report
Alexander Schimmeck/Unsplash

Experts from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute have identified a large-scale disinformation network on YouTube aimed at discrediting the US and promoting China. The network has more than 4,500 videos on 30 channels, which have already collected 120 million views.

Here's What We Know

In particular, the videos claim that Chinese technology is superior to American technology, the US is doomed to economic collapse, and China and Russia are responsible geopolitical players. They also praise Chinese IT companies like Huawei and denigrate American companies like Apple.

As an example of fake news, the report cites a false claim that some Southeast Asian countries have allegedly adopted the Chinese yuan as their national currency.

The experts revealed that in a number of cases artificial intelligence technology - computerised voices and avatars - was used. This made it possible to create a large amount of convincing video content at minimal cost. For example, at least 10 videos with artificially created characters from a British AI company were discovered.

YouTube blocked several channels mentioned in the report, but the real scale of the Chinese propaganda campaign may be even wider - experts found similar materials in other languages.

Source: The New York Times