US B-2 Spirit nuclear bomber landed in continental Europe for the first time in history

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 01.09.2023, 17:23
US B-2 Spirit nuclear bomber landed in continental Europe for the first time in history

The US Air Force occasionally sends B-2 Spirit nuclear bombers to Europe. They are usually stationed in the UK, but recently the strategic aircraft landed in continental Europe for the first time in history.

Here's What We Know

Home to the B-2 Spirit is the US Air Force base Whiteman, Missouri. During missions in Europe, the aircraft are stationed at the Royal Air Force's Fairford Air Base in southern England.

Three B-2 aircraft were recently deployed from the United States to Iceland. They arrived at Keflavik Air Base a few weeks ago. And already on 29 August 2023, Spirit refuelled in Norway.

This event was historic. The B-2 Spirit nuclear bomber didn't just land at Orland in Norway for the first time. It was the first ever landing of a strategic aircraft in continental Europe.

Source: USAFE