Rumour: Apple suspends development of foldable iPhones - flexible displays failed testing

By: Elena Shcherban | 17.02.2024, 11:44
Rumour: Apple suspends development of foldable iPhones - flexible displays failed testing

Apple has been rumoured to be developing a foldable smartphone since 2016, which was expected to be released in the next few years. However, the company seems to have run into problems and was forced to put the project on hold.

Here's What We Know

According to a tech video blogger from China, Apple has halted development due to poor quality flexible displays. According to him, Samsung's foldable panels "broke after a few days" as a result of Apple's rigorous internal testing. So until the company gets displays that meet high quality standards, the project is on hold.

But keep in mind that this blogger has no previous experience of Apple rumours, so his words should be treated with a degree of doubt.

According to earlier rumours, Apple was working on prototypes of at least two foldable smartphones. The report notes that foldable iPhones could still be cancelled if they don't meet Apple's standards.

The Elec also recently reported that Apple is considering releasing a foldable iPad with a screen of around 7-8 inches.

Source: Macrumors