Mercedes-Benz has no plans to focus on electric vehicles

By: Nastya Bobkova | 23.02.2024, 19:21
Mercedes-Benz has no plans to focus on electric vehicles

Mercedes-Benz is reconsidering its electrification plans due to growing outrage over the prospects for electric vehicles. The company's CEO expressed doubts that Europe will be ready to sell electric vehicles by 2030.

Here's What We Know

Mercedes-Benz is the latest automaker to abandon its ambitions for electric vehicles. In 2021, the company published its electrification plan, which envisaged selling only battery electric vehicles from 2030, at least in countries with suitable infrastructure.

Mercedes is not completely abandoning EVs, but now recognises the need to include hybrid EVs as well as internal combustion vehicles in order to meet the different needs of customers by 2030.

Despite falling sales of electric vehicles globally, Mercedes-Benz reaffirms its commitment to a gradual transition to an electric system.

Source: Ars Technica