Finnish residents 100 kilometres from Helsinki have photographed a Russian Kilo-class submarine carrying Kalibr cruise missiles

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 24.08.2023, 17:11
Finnish residents 100 kilometres from Helsinki have photographed a Russian Kilo-class submarine carrying Kalibr cruise missiles

A Russian submarine has surfaced between Sweden and Finland off the coast of the latter. This is reported by the Finnish state broadcaster Yle.

Here's What We Know

Residents of Finland photographed a Russian submarine off the coast of the Hanko peninsula. The submarine rose to the surface in the northern part of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea, 100 kilometres from Helsinki.

It is noted that the Russian submarine was in international waters and did not violate any rules. The Finnish military was also aware of the movement of the submarine. It should also be noted that it was seen by passengers of the ship heading to Germany.

The Finnish military identified the object as a Kilo-class diesel-electric submarine according to the NATO codification. This includes submarines of the Varshavyanka and Paltus projects. All of them are carriers of Kalibr anti-ship missiles.

Source: Yle