The Republic of Korea has begun testing the Aegis destroyer ROKS Jeongjo the Great, which will receive Hyunmoo-IV-2 missiles, SM-3 and SM-6 interceptors to destroy ballistic threats

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 19.10.2023, 14:24

The Korean Navy has begun trials of the lead destroyer of the KDX III Batch II programme. The ship is called ROKS Jeongjo the Great.

Here's What We Know

ROKS Jeongjo the Great was launched on 28 July 2022. After the ceremony, which took place at the Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard, construction of the destroyer continued. In May 2023, the work had not yet been completed.

More than a year after the launch, the authorities of the Republic of Korea began testing. Moreover, they published a video that shows the ROKS Jeongjo the Great destroyer while performing sea trials.

The ship has a vacancy for the KVLS-II vertical launch system as it is still under development. ROKS Jeongjo the Great will receive the Aegis Baseline 9.C2 KII system, which will allow it to launch SM-3 and SM-6 interceptors to destroy enemy ballistic missiles.

The KDX III Batch II programme involves the construction of three Aegis destroyers. The first will enter the fleet in autumn 2024. The second ship is expected to be built by Hyundai Heavy Industries in 2026.

An important feature of the Jeongjo the Great class destroyers will be the ability to destroy surface targets with Hyunmoo-IV-2 ballistic missiles. This is something the existing Aegis combat system destroyers cannot boast of.

Source: Naval News