Ukrainian studio Frogwares announced ambitious survival horror The Sinking City 2

By: Anton Kratiuk | 06.03.2024, 22:15
Ukrainian studio Frogwares announced ambitious survival horror The Sinking City 2

At the Xbox Partner Preview show there was an unexpected announcement from the Ukrainian studio Frogwares, which is known to the general public for excellent detective games about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

Here's What We Know

Frogwares studio presented the announcement trailer of The Sinking City 2.

This will be a direct sequel to the 2019 horror, which is based on the stories of Howard F. Lovecraft (Howard Phillips Lovecraft) about indescribable creatures from the depths and creatures from distant space.

The developers do not hide their ambitions and said that The Sinking City 2 is a turning point in their career, they intend to release a first-class survival horror game for which they use all the possibilities of Unreal Engine 5.

It is noteworthy that just a few months ago Frogwares, after a long legal battle, became the sole owner of the rights to The Sinking City, taking them away from the publisher Nacon.

When We Can Expect It

The developers have announced that the game is scheduled for release in 2025 on PS5, Xbox Series and PC.

Frogwares will soon be running a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter and is asking anyone interested in the game to support the project financially.

Source: Xbox Partner Preview