Death Stranding 2 will be released in 2025 - says the page of one of the project's artists

By: Anton Kratiuk | 24.11.2023, 22:00
Death Stranding 2 will be released in 2025 - says the page of one of the project's artists

Game fans of the famous game designer Hideo Kojima are looking forward to The Game Awards 2023, where, according to the hints of the event organisers and the developer himself, a new Death Stranding 2 trailer will be presented.

Many gamers hope that the sequel of the acclaimed game will be released in 2024, especially since last week such information was shared by a reputable insider under the nickname Shinobi602.

But perhaps this information is not true.

Here's What We Know

Death Stranding 2 will be released in 2025 - this is indicated on the page of artist Aron Vajda on ArtStation, who is currently working on Kojima's game.

Death Stranding 2 will be released in 2025 - says the page of one of the project's artists-2

It's impossible to judge whose information is correct, but considering that the game was announced exactly a year ago (at The Game Awards 2022), and the head of Kojima Productions is known for his pedantic attitude to work, the artist's information looks more realistic.

Death Stranding 2 is announced as a PlayStation 5 exclusive.

Source: Twisted Voxel