Insider reveals when GTA VI will be released

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.03.2024, 19:36
Insider reveals when GTA VI will be released

One of the main questions that gamers are interested in is when will Grand Theft Auto 6 be released?

Developers from Rockstar do not give even a hint, limiting themselves to the abstract "2025".

Speculation on this topic does not stop, as the game is of great interest, and the Spanish portal Areajugones shared its insider.

Here's What We Know

An insider under the nickname JarlOfRivia, familiar with the plans of Rockstar and Take-Two, said that the development of GTA 6 is at the final stage, gameplay designers are already engaged in polishing the project and the game is already undergoing final testing.

According to the source, GTA VI is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2025, most likely in January or February.

While it is impossible to judge the authenticity of information JarlOfRivia, but note, it would be much more logical to release a game of this scale in October or November - it is in this period is released most of the major blockbusters.

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Source: Areajugones