Fabulous style and a lot of crafting: new details about Blizzard's intriguing survival simulator revealed

By: Anton Kratiuk | 20.08.2022, 17:55
Fabulous style and a lot of crafting: new details about Blizzard's intriguing survival simulator revealed

At the beginning of 2022, Blizzard surprised the gaming community with the news about the development of a brand new survival simulator game. At that time almost nothing was reported about the game, but now the hosts of Xbox Two podcast revealed some information about the mysterious project.

  • The working name of the project is Odyssey;
  • Game's visual style is similar to Everwild and Fable Legends;
  • Events of the game unfold in a fairy-tale setting, but there will be different mechanical devices, referring to the steampunk;
  • The game is developed as a survival simulator familiar to modern gamers, and it will definitely not be an MMO;
  • Players will be able to actively interact with each other and trade created items. You can open your own store;
  • As a weapon, players will use a bow or magical abilities.

The game will be released very soon, because Blizzard is only hiring employees to work on this project.