The producer of Netflix's The Witcher series and the head of the Bloober Team are working on a series based on the horror film The Medium

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.10.2022, 16:54
The producer of Netflix's The Witcher series and the head of the Bloober Team are working on a series based on the horror film The Medium

Horror developer Bloober Team and 3D animation creators from Platige Image, who worked on the great cinematic trailers of The Witcher trilogy and Cyberpunk 2077, announced the creation of a joint project.

It will be a series adaptation of the mystery thriller The Medium, released by Bloober Team in 2021.

Creating a script for the series will take Tomasz Baginski - producer of the series The Witcher from Netflix and writer of The Medium Piotr Babieno, who is also the CEO of Bloober Team.

Other details about the future series based on The Medium are not reported. It is also not known what platform it is created for, but given Tomasz Bagiński's proximity to Netflix, the film adaptation may well be released on this online cinema.