Mortal Kombat 12 or Injustice 3: head of NetherRealm hinted at the studio's next project

By: Anton Kratiuk | 21.11.2022, 12:17
Mortal Kombat 12 or Injustice 3: head of NetherRealm hinted at the studio's next project

Co-founder and CEO of NetherRealm Ed Boon, when asked about the future plans of the studio, the user briefly and succinctly said: "I3 or MK12" which apparently means: Injustice 3, or Mortal Kombat 12.

Mortal Kombat 12 or Injustice 3: head of NetherRealm hinted at the studio's next project-2

Both series of fighting games are very popular among the fans of the genre, and the release of the new part of both the game and the other is eagerly awaited by millions of gamers.

The surprising thing is that back in February, Ed Boone said that their studio has no intention to release either Mortal Kombat 12, or Injustice 3, wanting to do a completely new project.

This hint can't be considered as a full-fledged announcement, but fans of fighting games from NetherRealm clearly can count on one of the aforementioned games, or perhaps both.