Do you know the full name of Chell from Portal? Looks like fans of the game got it

By: Dmitro Koval | 16.01.2023, 18:07
Do you know the full name of Chell from Portal? Looks like fans of the game got it

From the recent leak of the Sourse portal, we probably learned the full name of the character Chell. According to this information, her real name is Celestine.

Here's What We Know

The news was shared by a user under the nickname RememberCitadel on the Lambda Generation platform. In the game files, he found textures under the name Celestine_Body.

“Chell's full canon name,” RememberCitadel proclaimed on the website. “We got Chell's full canon name.”

How exactly the name Celestine is connected to Chell remains unknown. While some speculate that Celestine may be a first name, others argue that Celestine may actually be a surname. Several Lambda Generation users, such as 1upD, have suggested Chell as a diminutive.

Source: thegamer