Insider: Starfield RPG will only run at 30 FPS on Xbox Series consoles

By: Anton Kratiuk | 13.04.2023, 19:12
Insider: Starfield RPG will only run at 30 FPS on Xbox Series consoles

It was revealed yesterday that co-op shooter Redfall from Arkane Studios and Bethesda will only be able to run at 30 FPS on Xbox Series consoles, which Microsoft is positioning as a powerful gaming platform. Gamers have taken the news extremely negatively, but now they have another possible reason for outrage.

Here's What We Know

Authoritative journalist and insider Jez Corden said that the RPG Starfield will also not offer high frame rate to the US consoles users. Gamers will still get the same 30 FPS!

In the case of the massive open-world, character-driven RPG that Starfield is, it wouldn't be surprising to see 30 FPS, but what has stopped the developers from decently optimising the far from tech-savvy Redfall is a mystery.

Bethesda has yet to confirm Starfield, so gamers are left with little hope that Corden is wrong.