Digital Foundry experts call Star Wars Jedi: Survivor the worst PC game of 2023

By: Anton Kratiuk | 01.05.2023, 12:14
Digital Foundry experts call Star Wars Jedi: Survivor the worst PC game of 2023

Digital Foundry did a comprehensive analysis of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and confirmed what gamers already knew: the game's technical state is terrible.

Here's What We Know

The review's author Alex Battaglia concluded that the problems with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor started from the very first moment of the game - the menu. It's clearly designed with console control in mind and isn't adapted for keyboard and mouse. Most of the commands are unresponsive, moreover, the settings don't tell the player which options to choose in order for the game to work optimally on his computer.

As for the gameplay, it's all bad, too, according to Digital Foundry's expert. FPS drops are noticeable from the first scenes, and in large areas, for example, on the planet Kobo (Koboh), the frame rate drops to unacceptable values. In addition, the game crashes in some locations.

In general, Digital Foundry is puzzled how the developers from Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts released Star Wars Jedi: Survivor in such an unsatisfactory condition. Especially since the situation is far from ideal on consoles as well.

This situation becomes even more confusing if we take into account that the problems with Survivor are visible regardless of the user's computer power and graphics settings. This fact suggests that the problem is in the game's code, which is almost impossible to fix.

Nevertheless, the developers have already informed the players that they will be working on improving the technical state of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.