Thirteen pages! That's how long the first major update to Diablo IV will take - says the game's producer

By: Anton Kratiuk | 17.06.2023, 22:49
Thirteen pages! That's how long the first major update to Diablo IV will take - says the game's producer

Blizzard has held another broadcast with the developers of Diablo IV, where they answered a number of questions and shared some interesting information.

Here's What We Know

Diablo IV producer Rod Fergusson revealed that their game is setting records for the number of concurrent players on a daily basis, but much more interesting is his other statement.

According to the franchise leader, a major update for Diablo IV is coming soon. It will be so massive that the list of innovations and changes will take 13 pages.

Blizzard is currently testing the game's first seasonal update.