Bravo, Nintendo! The terms of the agreement between Microsoft and Nintendo are far more interesting and favourable than a similar agreement with Sony

By: Anton Kratiuk | 17.07.2023, 16:40
Bravo, Nintendo! The terms of the agreement between Microsoft and Nintendo are far more interesting and favourable than a similar agreement with Sony

No sooner had experts and gamers discussed the agreement between Microsoft and Sony, than a circumstance was revealed that will make this agreement even more painful for the Japanese side.

Here's What We Know

We have already reported that as a result of the agreement between Microsoft and Sony, the Japanese company received guarantees that Call of Duty games will continue to be released on PlayStation for the next 10 years, but other no less significant projects of Activision Blizzard are not included in this deal.

In turn, Nintendo management prudently did not prevent the merger of the American giants and refuse the offer of Phil Spencer, so the ten-year agreement between Microsoft and Nintendo implies the release of both Call of Duty and other Activision Blizzard games on Nintendo consoles.

Importantly, Activision Blizzard games will not only be released on Nintendo Switch, but also on the Japanese manufacturer's next console.

All this is stipulated in the documents prepared for the trial with the FTC.

Source: Gamingbolt