Big changes in Sanctuary: on the eve of the release of Diablo IV's first seasonal update, Blizzard has released a huge patch

By: Anton Kratiuk | 18.07.2023, 22:38
Big changes in Sanctuary: on the eve of the release of Diablo IV's first seasonal update, Blizzard has released a huge patch

On the eve of the release of the first seasonal update of Diablo IV called Season of the Malignant, Blizzard has released a large patch that is designed to prepare the game for the event.

Here's What We Know

Update 1.1.0 brings a huge amount of new features. New unique items and legendary aspects (improvements) will appear in the game.

The developers tweaked and balanced the abilities of all classes, improved game performance, fixed a number of bugs and made general adjustments to Diablo IV.

On consoles, the update is 11GB in size and 9GB on PC.

The patch is so extensive that there's no point in listing all the changes. You can read about them on the official Blizzard website, but one thing is for sure - all the most interesting innovations are waiting for players ahead.

Source: Blizzard