A new co-op game based on the popular satirical animated series South Park has been announced, subtitled Snow Day

By: Anton Kratiuk | 12.08.2023, 13:34
A new co-op game based on the popular satirical animated series South Park has been announced, subtitled Snow Day

During the THQ Nordic Digital Showcase broadcast, a new game based on the popular satirical animated series South Park was announced.

Here's What We Know

South Park: Snow Day is a 3D co-operative game.

The main characters will be Cartman, Stan, Kyle and Kenny, who decided to celebrate Snow Day.

Gamers are invited to gather a group of friends and try to save the world, wandering through the snowy streets of the city.

When We Can Expect It

South Park: Snow Day will release in 2024 on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch.