In this comparison between Quadro 2000M and Radeon HD 8730M you will find out which graphics card performs better in today's games. Bear in mind that third-party versions may have more efficient cooling and higher clock speeds. This will increase cards' performance, though not by much. In addition to raw power you should also take into account the dimensions. Thicker models simply will not fit into a small mini-ITX case. The resolution of your monitor also affects the choice, since 4K gameplay requires a more powerful GPU. And don't overspend on the graphics card. Other parts of your build may also need to be upgraded, save some money for the CPU or power supply. For some people Quadro 2000M will be the best choice, for others Radeon HD 8730M will be their preference. Study the comparison tables below and make your choice.
Quadro 2000M and Radeon HD 8730M are Laptop Graphics Cards
Note: Quadro 2000M and Radeon HD 8730M are only used in laptop graphics. They have lower GPU clock speed compared to the desktop variant, which results in lower power consumption, but also 10-30% lower gaming performance. Check available laptop models with Quadro 2000M or Radeon HD 8730M here: