A potential "Game of Thrones" competitor, the "Winter King" series has a rewritten origin story of the legendary weapon Excalibur

By: Tetiana Honcharenko | 11.09.2023, 15:51
A potential "Game of Thrones" competitor, the "Winter King" series has a rewritten origin story of the legendary weapon Excalibur

A new TV series about King Arthur called "Winter King" introduces an unexpected twist to Excalibur's origin story.

Here's What We Know

Warning, there are spoilers for episode 4:

The episode 4 "Winter King" introduced a brand new origin story for Arthur's legendary weapon that is very different from the myth. This episode presents a more realistic interpretation of Excalibur's origins that strips the weapon of its fantasy elements.

In the story, Arthur and his sister Morgan visit the grave of their departed mother, who was a blacksmith. Arthur fondly remembers her intelligence and beauty, as well as her stories, including the legend of Excalibur. After rummaging through many rusted swords, Arthur discovers one with a special hilt that catches his eye. He decides to take the sword with him to the castle, sharpen it, and later make it his primary weapon.

Excalibur in "Winter King" is devoid of magical abilities, unlike other legends, but it is still a carefully crafted sword with a unique hilt.

The new MGM+ fantasy series, based on the novel of the same name by Bernard Cornwell, has attempted to give the well-known Arthurian legend more historical verisimilitude. Thus, the series offers a more realistic view, abandoning some of the fantastical elements. However, most of the key characters and plot twists are still retained.

We agree, it would be difficult to create a TV series about King Arthur without the iconic dream of Excalibur.