French CAESAR, Chinese SH-15, Israeli ATMOS, Swedish Archer - Brazil chooses new self-propelled howitzers

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 10.08.2023, 14:57
French CAESAR, Chinese SH-15, Israeli ATMOS, Swedish Archer - Brazil chooses new self-propelled howitzers

Brazil's armed forces are set to get a new self-propelled howitzer. They are now studying more than half a dozen options.

Here's What We Know

Brazil already uses Tatra T-815 and Astros 2020 (Mk6) vehicles, so the South American country wants to acquire self-propelled howitzers on one of these chassis. Another requirement is the ability to integrate the Genesis local fire control system.

The Brazilian Army Commission has already issued a request for proposals for tenders. The country's authorities want to purchase 36 self-propelled howitzers, which will enter service with three field artillery groups.

SH-15, Nora B-52, Archer, Eva, ATMOS, CAESAR, Yavuz.

Several companies from around the world are interested in the tender. In particular, the French KNDS offers CAESAR howitzer, which has been performing well in Ukraine. Swedish BAE Systems is ready to participate in the tender with its Archer design. Also on the list of options are Chinese company Norinco's SH-15, Israel's Elbit Systems' ATMOS, Serbia's Nora B-52, Turkey's Yavuz and Slovakia's Eva.

Separately, we note that the SH-15 is an export variant of China's PCL-181 self-propelled artillery system. In early July, we wrote that a delegation from Brazil visited the Norinco plant in China.

Source: Infodefensa