The Ukrainian Air Force destroyed 16 strategic air missiles Kh-101, Kh-555 and Kalibr sea-based cruise missiles

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 15.08.2023, 11:53
The Ukrainian Air Force destroyed 16 strategic air missiles Kh-101, Kh-555 and Kalibr sea-based cruise missiles

On the morning of 15 August 2023, the Russian Federation struck Ukraine with air- and sea-launched cruise missiles. Air defence forces dealt with most of the threat.

Here's What We Know

Tu-22M3 long-range aircraft launched four Kh-22 anti-ship cruise missiles. Another four Kalibr missiles were fired by a frigate of the Russian Navy, located in the Black Sea near Yalta.

There were also 20 launches of air-launched strategic cruise missiles. Their carriers are strategic bombers based at airfields in the Saratov region and on the Kola Peninsula.

The press service of the Ukrainian Air Force said it had successfully eliminated 16 threats. The targets shot down were the Kh-101, Kh-555 air-launched cruise missiles and Kalibr sea-launched cruise missiles.

Source: @kpszsu