India has deployed MR-SAM medium-range missile defence systems that can shoot down anti-ship and ballistic missiles

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 13.10.2023, 13:11

The Indian Armed Forces have deployed MR-SAM (Medium Range Surface to Air Missile) systems in the west of the country. They were developed jointly with Israel.

Here's What We Know

MR-SAM is a joint product of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and the Defence Research and Development Organisation of India. The first regiment armed with the new missile defence system was formed in February last year.

The system is designed to provide defence against any type of threat. The system is capable of shooting down anti-ship, cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as aeroplanes, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles.

The MR-SAM uses a 22.5 cm diameter missile that is 4.5 metres long and weighs 275 kg. It has a launch range of 70 kilometres. The missile can be launched not only from ground-based vertical launch systems but also from ships. This adaptability makes it a valuable asset to both ground forces and navies.

Source: Army Recognition