Dish Network Corp. - the first company in history to be fined for littering Earth's orbit with space debris

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 04.10.2023, 20:51
Dish Network Corp. - the first company in history to be fined for littering Earth's orbit with space debris

The US Federal Communications Commission has issued a historic fine. The regulator fined the company for the first time in history for clogging Earth's orbit.

Here's What We Know

The US satellite TV provider Dish Network Corp. has distinguished itself. According to the commission, last year the company failed to properly shine a satellite that had been decommissioned from orbit.

The EchoStar-7 spacecraft had reached the end of its useful life. The company was supposed to send it to a so-called disposal orbit. Instead, Dish Network Corp. simply lowered the satellite slightly lower than its licence required.

EchoStar-7 was in geostationary orbit at an altitude of about 36,000 kilometres, well above many satellites, including SpaceX's Starlink. Due to the inability to move the vehicle into a disposal orbit, it was very close to working satellites that remained in geostationary orbit.

The amount of the fine for Dish Network Corp. was $150,000. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission believes the historic penalty will set an example for other companies.