Facial recognition system in New Orleans has helped arrest exactly zero criminals in the last nine months

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 01.08.2023, 16:57
Facial recognition system in New Orleans has helped arrest exactly zero criminals in the last nine months

In nine months, the police of New Orleans (Louisiana, USA) have not made a single arrest using facial recognition systems.

Here's What We Know

In 2020, amid protests, city authorities banned police from using facial recognition systems. However, less than two years later, the restrictions were lifted under pressure from politicians. They argued that the technology would improve public safety.

According to a report released this week, police rarely had to use facial recognition. During the entire period of observation, law enforcement officers used the technology only 13 times.

Of these searches, only five resulted in matches, and two of them were deemed "bad". This means that the system found a person who is "not suspected of having committed the crime" actually "not suspected of having committed the crime".

All of the searches were for black suspects, the report said.

Source: Gizmodo