Morocco acquires 150 reconnaissance drones ThunderB and WanderB

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 03.10.2022, 15:52
Morocco acquires 150 reconnaissance drones ThunderB and WanderB

The Moroccan authorities have purchased 150 reconnaissance level drones ThunderB and WanderB. The seller is the Israeli company BlueBird Aero Systems.

Here's What We Know

The purchase of the drones with vertical takeoff and landing was part of Morocco's program to strengthen the country's air defense. The drones will be used for reconnaissance, surveillance, and emergency assistance.

The cost of the deal is not disclosed, but sources say we are talking about tens of millions of dollars. Some of the drones will not be built in Israel but in Morocco.


The WanderB has a range of 50 km and can stay in the air for up to 150 minutes. The maximum takeoff weight of the drone is 13 kg. The payloads are regular cameras and night vision cameras.

The ThunderB is a more advanced platform designed for reconnaissance, surveillance and reconnaissance operations up to 150 km. The drone has a flight time of 12 hours.

Source: The Defense Post