Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe Eurofighter Typhoon fighters intercept three Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 27.04.2023, 22:06
Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe Eurofighter Typhoon fighters intercept three Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea

German and British Eurofighter Typhoon fighters continue to intercept Russian Aerospace Force aircraft flying over the Baltic Sea from mainland Russia to Kaliningrad.

Here's What We Know

The German Air Force has put on alert Typhoon fighters to intercept unidentified aircraft flying over the Baltic Sea with their transponders turned off. They were two Su-27s and one IL-20.

The Russian aircraft were intercepted by the Luftwaffe, supported by the British Royal Air Force. British pilots also fly Eurofighter Typhoons.

The incident took place on 26 April. Russian planes regularly fly in the region with their transponders turned off. For example, last week German and British Typhoons also intercepted the Su-27 and Il-20.

Source: @Team_Luftwaffe