Turn 10 studio head Alan Hartman has become the new head of Xbox Game Studios

By: Anton Kratiuk | 09.11.2023, 13:41
Turn 10 studio head Alan Hartman has become the new head of Xbox Game Studios

Reorganisation continues in Microsoft's gaming division.

Here's What We Know

As we reported earlier, there is a personnel reshuffle in the management of Xbox.

Thus, the head of Xbox Game Studios Matt Booty was promoted and appointed President of Game Content and Studios.

Today it became known who will take the vacated chair and head Xbox Game Studios. The new head is Alan Hartman - the head of Turn 10 Studios, which is the author of a series of racing simulators Forza.

On LinkedIn, Hartman left a post on his appointment:

Delighted to represent such an elite group of game creators in my new role as Head of Xbox Game Studios!

Alan Hartman has been in the gaming industry for many years and will hopefully make a worthy head of Xbox Game Studios.

Source: LinkedIn