The head of Larian Studios has no plans to add Baldur's Gate III to the Game Pass catalogue or other similar service

By: Anton Kratiuk | 16.12.2023, 13:58
The head of Larian Studios has no plans to add Baldur's Gate III to the Game Pass catalogue or other similar service

Many gamers are wondering whether the role-playing game Baldur's Gate III will appear in the Game Pass catalogue. Especially it became the public's concern after the release of the game on Xbox Series.

IGN portal talked to the head of Larian Studios Swen Vincke and asked about the plans of the developers.

Here's What We Know

Vincke evasively answered the journalist's question. He noted that Baldur's Gate 3 is a huge, elaborated in all details game with incredible variability and freedom of action. Sven Vincke believes that such games are worth their money and he claims that his team has never considered the option of Baldur's Gate III appearing in Game Pass or other similar services.

It should be recalled that in the leaked documents Microsoft mentioned that the corporation wanted to add the hit RPG to its service and offered developers $5 million for their consent.

Source: IGN