Turtle Beach показала прозрачные стеклянные динамики
Turtle Beach известна, в первую очередь, своими геймерскими гарнитурами. Но на этот раз компания представила довольно неожиданную разработку: аудиосистему HyperSound Glass, которая представляет из себя прозрачные стеклянные динамики, которые способны воспроизводить узконаправленный звук. HyperSound Glass состоит из стеклянной панели, которая покрыта специальными прозрачными пленками. Благодаря этим пленкам и соответствующей электронике, система способна выдать направленный "пучок" звука на конкретного пользователя.
Как утверждают разработчики, данная система может найти массу применений как для персонального, так и коммерческого использования. По их мнению, HyperSound Glass можно будет использовать в настольной акустике, мониторах, рекламных дисплеях, автомобильных стеклах и приборных панелях. Тестовый образец разработчики обещают показать уже на выставке E3.
Источник: Techpowerup
Turtle Beach Corporation (NASDAQ: HEAR), a leading audio technology company for over 40 years, has achieved another significant breakthrough with its HyperSound®technology, as the company revealed today it is now able to create directional audio using a transparent pane of glass. The Company’s latest innovation opens the doors for exploration into future glass-based directional audio products and applications in the consumer, commercial and hearing healthcare spaces. Turtle Beach will be showing an early prototype of HyperSound Glass directional speakers at the 2016 Electronics Entertainment Expo, which takes place June 14-16, 2016 at the L.A. Convention Center.
“The advancements the HyperSound team is making with directional audio are simply amazing – some of the biggest breakthroughs in audio technology to come along in decades,” said Juergen Stark, CEO, Turtle Beach Corporation. “Being able to create highly directional audio using glass opens up many potential opportunities, including integrating into desktop monitors, commercial displays, desktop speakers, and automotive dashboard glass to provide warnings directed specifically at the driver…pretty much anywhere there’s glass there’s a potential for audio. As we progress the technology, this also opens up licensing possibilities to external parties looking for ways to integrate the latest audio technology into their products. Again, it’s still early in development and the applications are simply ideas on the drawing board, but at the same time having HyperSound directional audio working on glass is very exciting and we can’t wait to show it publicly for the first time at E3.”
HyperSound technology is a fundamentally new approach to sound delivery that generates a highly directional, narrow beam of audio in the air. Similar to how a flashlight directs a beam of light,HyperSound directs a beam of audio to targeted listeners in a specific spot, delivering an immersive, 3D-like audio experience. HyperSound Glass is similar in design to touchscreen glass, where there are multiple layers of transparent materials and electronics working in conjunction with the glass. ForHyperSound Glass, the glass pane is layered with a set of transparent films allowing it to generate a beam of ultrasound that delivers crisp, clear audio to the targeted listener.
To learn more about HyperSound technology working on glass, go to HyperSound Innovations. For additional information on Turtle Beach’s HyperSound Commercial and Hearing Healthcare products, including the HyperSound Clear 500P, visit the HyperSound and HyperSound Hearing websites.