Rare NFT from CryptoPunks sells for $7.7M - 3rd largest deal in collection history

An unknown user purchased one of the rare non-fungible CryptoPunks tokens. The purchase was the third largest in the history of the collection.
The value of NFT #5577 was 2501 ETH or approximately $7.7 million at the time of the transaction. Only two non-fungible tokens cost more – #4156 and $7804. Their cost was approximately 4200 ETH.
But there is a nuance. Both NFTs were acquired in March last year for $7.57 million and $7.58 million in fiat, respectively, i.e. are slightly cheaper than token #5577. But the fourth position is NFT #4156, which was purchased on December 9, 2021 for 2500 ETH, but due to the high exchange rate in dollars, its value in fiat money is $10.26 million.
It is assumed that the buyer of the non-fungible token #5577 was Robert Leshner, the founder of the Compound DeFi protocol. But he does not directly confirm this, and there is no evidence that it was he who acquired the NFT.
A source: Larva Labs