Editorial policy of gagadget.com

In a world where information has become a commodity and news a field for manipulation, gg has been committed to impartiality, professional journalism standards and common sense since its founding in 2008. We work for the world's most inquisitive readers, who are interested in technology and appreciate us for the reasonable balance between the speed and reliability of information in the news and the impartiality and irony of our opinion pieces. The gg editorial team does not impose its own (or anyone else's) opinions, but instead allows readers to draw their own conclusions and is always open to the exchange of different views.

Our values

The gg editorial team consists of authors who share the same values, adhere to the standards of journalistic ethics and defend the universal human rights and freedoms of people regardless of their race, gender, religion or technological preferences.

Respect for the reader

We strive to make our texts clear, useful and interesting for our world's most curious readers. Your time is valuable to us, and we want to make it worthwhile. The editorial team spends time, uses its experience and the accumulated expertise of each team member to save you time. And have enough information to make your own decisions.


For us, reputation is the most valuable asset that the editorial team has been building since 2008, and it can be lost in a moment. That is why we value the trust of our readers and do not make mistakes that could undermine it. And we want our words to work for our own reputation, not against it.


The editorial team provides information without being influenced by personal or third-party interests. It does not give special preference to any company or technology in its coverage of events. It always indicates sources of information and works with primary news sources.


The gg team is aware of the impact of words and information, so it works carefully, respecting the facts and reader trust. The gg authors are always ready to correct mistakes if they occur and update the material with appropriate labelling.


Our experience in the technology sector dates back to 2004, so we can say that the entire modern mobile communications and computer technology industry has been created before our eyes. The gg team can claim that its authors have watched all the high-profile global presentations from the front rows (sometimes literally). This provides the editorial team with unique experience and expertise based on a deep understanding of all global market processes due to many years of research. That's why gg' s assessments are accurate and its forecasts are highly reliable.

Our principles

Adherence to professional principles is what distinguishes journalists in today's post-truth world. The editorial team strives to be honest, clear and transparent to readers and to clearly separate their own independent views and opinions from advertising on the site. Advertisers can only buy our time, not our opinions. What sets gg 's editorial team apart from others is that we reserve the right to be sceptical and prefer common sense in any uncertain situation.


We always openly indicate sources of information, check facts and directly call rumours rumours, given the specifics of the high-tech world, where it can be difficult for market players to hide new, even true, information that is later confirmed. The editorial team also clearly marks materials written by non-members of our team with a red "for the purpose of advertising" label (rather than shyly hiding this label). We also separately mark editorial materials created by our authors according to editorial standards, but with the support of advertisers (and always directly indicate them on the first screen).


The gg editorial team adheres to generally recognised professional standards of journalistic ethics and avoids manipulation, value judgements (except for author's articles and reviews, where we are expected to rely on our own opinion, i.e. expert judgement) and distortion of facts. Because every author understands that their work influences people's opinions and decisions. Our team respects confidentiality, the rights of the subjects of the materials and readers.

The right to be sceptical

Journalism is a profession of sceptics. Not all predictions come true, not all expectations are met, and, unfortunately, not all words or statements in the information space are true. The authors of gg know this, are aware of it, and reserve the right to be sceptical about loud statements if they are not supported by facts.

Common sense

In any uncertain situation, when other guidelines are not yet available or are not clear enough, the gg editorial team always uses common sense. It is our first and most reliable tool for analysing information, making decisions and drawing conclusions. It helps us avoid jumping to conclusions, simplifies complex situations and helps us maintain objectivity. We trust facts, but when they are lacking, common sense guides us in our work, helping gg authors to remain honest with themselves and their readers.