LAYER x Deutsche Telekom show how to hide tech in stylish home decor

By: Philippa Axinous | 05.05.2022, 20:40
LAYER x Deutsche Telekom show how to hide tech in stylish home decor

Homes are getting more and more connected these days, mostly thanks to the new breed of Internet-connected devices scattered across the property. Although many of them try to blend in with your interior, such as smart speakers, which try to draw our attention visually and audibly, most of the devices look like a technical device. That doesn’t have to be the case, of course, and there are many ways to better integrate these devices into what look like everyday household objects and accessories. That’s exactly the proposal that Deutsche Telekom Design is making through LAYER, making interior design an integral part of the product’s design rather than an afterthought.

Designer: Benjamin Hubert (LAYER Design)

It’s not that difficult to spot devices and “smart appliances” inside a room. Smart speakers, even those that are stylish and attractive, don’t always fit in with the surroundings. There are also devices that do not hide their existence and openly proclaim their true nature. The most dangerous devices are routers and meshes. They can look like unnatural structures in a cozy home, while set-top boxes or wireless speakers can be just as harmful.

This visual and design inconsistency is no small matter when it comes to creating a conducive atmosphere for your home. Visual clutter can have psychological and physical consequences. Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be the case, especially with today’s technologies, materials, and manufacturing processes. That’s the kind of smart home that Deutsche Telekom is trying to present with this “eclectic family” of connected devices that look more like decor than tech products.

At the very top of that list is the router, which actually looks more like a desk mirror. In fact, it does function as one when the router’s display isn’t active. Even then, it only displays text rather than icons and images, making it a very minimalist piece of tech equipment. Joining it is a mesh repeater that masquerades as an upright wooden bowl decoration. They might even resemble some smart thermostats when hung on a wall, except without extraneous details and interfaces.

The set-top box/speaker does have telltale signs of an audio device, mostly due to the typical fabric-like surface that marks almost all speakers. With its minimalist design and text-based display it is still a great candidate for interior accessories. The product’s unique feature is the accompanying webcam, which measures less than a tuna can. There’s also a more typical set-top box that isn’t shaped like a box at all. It looks more like a bowl made of ceramic that can be displayed in your living room.

In addition to the designs themselves, this Home Harmony connectivity concept also tries to steer the ship towards more sustainable shores. Electronics are often made using plastics and unfriendly substances, but the use of wood, ceramic, and alternative materials will help make these objects not only blend in visually but also become a better part of people’s lives at home.
