Return to the "dashing 90s" - sales of consoles in Russia have decreased by 81% since the beginning of the year, and consoles for 8-bit games have entered the top

Russian gamers will be forced to return to the "dashing 90s", for which it is customary in Russia to be nostalgic. After leaving PlayStation consoles for 8-bit and 16-bit games began to enjoy popularity.
Set-top boxes, popular at the end of the last millennium, take on a new life. Over the year, their sales increased by 13%. But the entire console market has been in decline since the beginning of the year. Since January, in monetary terms, sales have decreased by 81%, and the average check has fallen by 68% to 32,000 rubles ($ / UAH)
Of course, with care Sony the segment of subscriptions to gaming services also suffered. Compared to April 2021, sales decreased by 42%. But since the beginning of the current year, the fall is even more epic - 83%.
Source: TASS