The creative director of Days Gone is working on Ashfall - a story action with an open world

By: Vadim Osiyuk | 23.06.2022, 19:10
The creative director of Days Gone is working on Ashfall - a story action with an open world

After leaving Days Gone its screenwriter and creative director John Garvin  parted ways with the team Bend and engaged in personal projects. Together with the veteran PlayStation he founded a studio Liithosm, which is engaged in AAA-action Ashfall using blockchain-like technology. 

According to the developers, Ashfall - a game in the open world with an emphasis on the plot. In it, gamers will have to fight and survive on the planet from the distant future. The world is suffering from global warming, the Pacific Ring of Fire and mysterious energy fields that have significantly affected weather conditions. Entire cities were destroyed, and civilization split into separate hostile groups. If you believe the developers, the novelty will be something like Days Gone

Ashfall begins as a single adventure, but later grows into a multiplayer project with PvP and PvE. "Our goal is to make a truly non-X-ray product with an open world that uses new technologies to create custom content." shared Garvin. 

IN Ashfall weave the platform Hedera - a faster and safer alternative to blockchain. Thanks to it, gamers will be able to sell and exchange in-game items. How strongly the system is integrated with the action is not specified. 

At this time Liithos collaborates with comic book authors and artists, as the story begins with a digital comic book authored John Garvin. The cover for the publication is painted by Brett Booth, who also contributed to the projects Worldstorm and DC. 

Release dates in Ashfall no. Among the platforms still appear PC, console and Web 3 - a new iteration of the World Wide Web.