The Darwin Prize almost found its winner - a Russian military man wanted to destroy the S-300 SAM, but almost lost his head

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 06.07.2022, 17:24
The Darwin Prize almost found its winner - a Russian military man wanted to destroy the S-300 SAM, but almost lost his head

We have heard many stories about the "reasonable" actions of the Russian military in Ukraine, but now we have the opportunity to see for ourselves.

What is known

The Russians were able to damage a Ukrainian S-300 air defense missile system in the Kherson region. For unknown reasons, they did not keep it as a trophy, but decided to simply destroy it.

They wanted to film the process. The shot was followed by a powerful explosion of anti-aircraft missile system. As a result, the Russian shooter almost lost his head. The cameraman was also hurt.

Source: @horevica

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