Made in Ukraine - an elusive Ukrainian drone with anti-tank grenades

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 23.07.2022, 15:06
Made in Ukraine - an elusive Ukrainian drone with anti-tank grenades

Ukrainian engineers and programmers have created an unmanned aerial vehicle. They recently tested the seventh version of the drone, which was designed with the military in mind.

What we know

The drone is called Made in Ukraine, so you do not have to specify where it was developed. As part of the test, specialists checked how accurately a drone can drop anti-tank grenades. As it turned out, the deviation is 3 m. According to the creators of the UAV, it is enough to destroy tanks, but they still want to reduce the deviation to 1 meter.

Made in Ukraine has no heat trace, which makes it difficult to hit it. The hull does not contain metal or other materials that can be detected by enemy air defense systems and electronic warfare means.

The unmanned aerial vehicle can carry up to six anti-tank missiles. The range of Made in Ukraine is 20 km. UAV production will be put on the assembly line. During the year it is planned to produce 2000 drones.

Source: TSN

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