Ukraine's $20,000 R18 combat octocopter destroyed a Russian tank (video)

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 26.07.2022, 22:11
Ukraine's $20,000 R18 combat octocopter destroyed a Russian tank (video)

The drone R18 company Aerorozvidka continues to destroy the Russian army's armored vehicles.

What we known

Ukrainian non-profit organization Aerorozvidka has published a new video, which demonstrates a successful mission of the drone R18. The combat drone found and destroyed a Russian tank during the mission.

R18 is a Ukrainian drone with eight propellers. It is capable of taking off and landing vertically, and has a battery life of about 40 minutes. The drone can carry a payload of no more than 5 kg. Anti-tank grenades are used to destroy equipment.

This video is one more confirmation of the company representatives' words that R18 is able to destroy tanks. At the same time the "official targets" of the drone are artillery systems, rocket systems, staff vehicles and air defense facilities.

Source: Aerorozvidka

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