Apple, Google and other companies allegedly bought gold from illegal mines in Brazil

By: Michael Korgs | 27.07.2022, 17:46
Apple, Google and other companies allegedly bought gold from illegal mines in Brazil

Gold and copper are vital for electronics manufacturing. Since these metals are very valuable, they are mined by many illegal companies. It seems that even giants like Apple do not hesitate to buy such gold. Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon have reportedly bought gold from illegal mines located on indigenous Brazilian lands in the Amazon rainforest. Gold was used for Apple and Microsoft smartphones and computers, as well as Google and Amazon servers.

The authors of the report on illegal mining got acquainted with documents that confirm that the companies bought gold from the Chimet and Marsam plants between 2020 and 2021. Brazilian police investigated both plants for illegal extraction of natural resources and also accused them of environmental damage.

Extraction of natural resources on indigenous lands is prohibited in Brazil, but several illegal companies still do so. Illegal mining helps fund organized crime in the country, which has led to an increase in attacks on indigenous peoples in recent years.

Both of the accused companies are certified in Europe and the United States. The US government has so far declined to comment on the situation, and the London Bullion Market said it was reviewing the certification of Chimet and Marsam.

Of the four technological giants, only Apple commented on the situation. The company said it adheres to high standards in establishing partnerships and cares about environmental protection.

Apple works to protect the environment and to safeguard the well-being of the millions of people touched by our supply chain, from the mining level to the facilities where products are assembled. We are deeply committed to continually assessing our progress and building the lessons we learn into everything we do.
