Netflix begins cooperation with Ukraine: they promise grants of $15 thousand and training for filmmakers

The Ukrainian Film Academy and the EU-funded House of Europe program, together with Netflix, are announcing the launch of two programs to help Ukrainian creators in Ukraine and around the world who have suffered or been forced to move through the war to continue and develop their work.
What they are
These two programs will provide filmmakers with financial support and access to training at all career levels. For example, the Ukrainian Film Academy program provides:
- 48 script development grants of $15,000 each for two-person teams of experienced film professionals (screenwriter and producer)
- Exclusive online sessions with international industry experts
The House of Europe-led program provides:
- 100 €1000 scholarships for creators of all levels
- Netflix film production, post-production and pitching process training for entry-level and mid-level professionals.
"The Ukrainian film industry is going through some tough times, so it is very important that it continues to work and grow. We believe that supporting film and series production in Ukraine in the form of project development grants and meetings with international experts will help the industry continue to grow and even encourage further development," adds Anna Machukh, executive director of the Ukrainian Film Academy.
Applications will be accepted from July 28 at House of Europe and Ukrainian Film Academy.
Source: Ukrainian Film Academy