Polish Krab self-propelled artillery units with a range of fire up to 40 km helped the AFU to liberate Kharkiv region

By: Myroslav Trinko | 13.09.2022, 11:59
Polish Krab self-propelled artillery units with a range of fire up to 40 km helped the AFU to liberate Kharkiv region

Information continues to appear on the Internet about the equipment used by Western partners for the liberation of the Kharkiv region.

Here's What We Know

This time the Internet published a video with Polish Krab self-propelled artillery units. The video "lighted up" three units, but there are about 40 of them in Ukraine.

Recall, Krab is a 155 mm self-propelled artillery unit. It has the turret from the British AS-90 SAU and chassis from the Korean K9 Thunder SAU by Samsung Techwin. The Krab is capable of firing 6 rounds per minute. The maximum range is 40 km.

By the way, on the video except the Krab SAU you can also see an American armored vehicle HMMWV.

Source: @visegrad24

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