Realistic water, behavior of infected and interaction of characters with objects: YouTuber showed unnoticeable, stunning details in The Last of Us Part I

The author of the YouTube channel o Knightz o, who is known for showing various unnoticeable details in video games, has released a video where he allows everyone to see the small details in The Last of Us Part I which was released this month. The video "11 More INSANE Details in The Last of Us Part I" shows how the infected act in different situations, details on weapons, character interaction with the world and much more.
Here's What We Know
In this material, we decided to show what details in the game were noticed by o Knightz o.
When using a bandage to heal Joel, blood will still seep through it.

Those infected who can no longer move will continue to try to attack.

If Joel is surrounded by infected, he will fall to the ground and start to cover his head with his hands

In the scene where Joel gives Bill a note from Frank, the former spoils it and throws it away, but you can pick it up and keep it in your inventory.

In cutscenes, sometimes when characters talk, saliva flies out of their mouths.

When trying to open the safe, the correct combination will produce a unique sound, so you can open the safe without knowing the code.

When Joel improves his weapon on the workbench, he removes the cartridges from it, when he finishes the work, the cartridges must be inserted again by reloading.

Characters react to water if it drips on their heads.

Water realistically runs off clothes and weapons.

Joel and Ellie will look at the steps when walking backwards.

Ellie comments on things that the player takes from her briefcase.

Naughty Dog games are famous for their small details that set these projects apart from others. There are many similar videos on YouTube from The Last of Us Part II, The Last of Us Remastered and the Uncharted series.
The Last of Us Part 1 was released on September 2 on PlayStation 5 and later the game will be released on PC.
Source: o Knightz o