Blogger made it through GTA V, killing less than 100 people in the game - it took three years

Matthew Judge, a blogger from Australia, has demonstrated that it is possible to play GTA V in a relatively pacifist way. But it will take a long time. A very long time.
Here's What We Know
The blogger began his peaceful journey through GTA V in late spring 2019. He recorded 30 walkthrough videos of the game and spent several thousand hours completing the story.
Matthew Judge refused to use cheat codes and modifications for GTA V. Also he developed his own rules of passing. For example, to deprive people in the game only if it is absolutely necessary. And not with weapons, but in hand-to-hand combat.
As a result during more than three years of the game Matthew Judge killed only 96 people in GTA V. It is almost an order of magnitude less than the previous record (726 people). The main pacifist is Franklin. He has only 10 kills to his credit.
Source: @DarkViperAU