What fans have been waiting for? - for Batman: Arkham City released Redux mod, which improves the graphics in the game

Batman: Arkham City is already 11 years old, so the graphics in the game are somewhat outdated and fans decided to fix it. Therefore, the Arkham City Redux modification appeared on nexusmods, which changes the graphics in the game.
Here's What We Know
The modification weighs 4.5 GB and in order to install it you only need to transfer the files from nexusmods to the folder with the game. The mod is fully compatible with DirectX 11 and changes more than 1000 textures in the game, including weapons, characters, buildings, objects and much more. It is worth noting that the color palette and atmosphere of the criminal city is preserved. Some of the changes can be seen in the photos and video below.

If you read the comments under the video of the author of the mod, you can understand that fans of the game are delighted and have long been waiting for something like this.
You can download the mod on nexusmods at this link.
Source: nexusmods