New $275,000,000 military aid package: U.S. transfers HIMARS missiles, 155mm artillery shells, HMMWVs, and air defense systems to Ukraine

By: Myroslav Trinko | 10.12.2022, 10:42
New $275,000,000 military aid package: U.S. transfers HIMARS missiles, 155mm artillery shells, HMMWVs, and air defense systems to Ukraine

The United States has announced another military aid package for Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

The package is for $275,000,000 and includes:

  • Ammunition for HIMARS MLRS.
  • 80,000 155mm shells for artillery
  • UAV countermeasures equipment
  • Air defense equipment
  • HMMWV vehicles,
  • Ambulances and medical equipment
  • Approximately 150 generators
  • Field equipment

Arms deliveries will begin in the coming days. By the way, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on February 24, the US has transferred over $19,300,000,000 worth of military aid to Ukraine.

Source: defense

Image: Mauricio Campino/U.S. Air Force